Maximum speed and minimum load

Your website is ready for extreme server loads and minimal maintenance costs by creating static pages.

What does it mean?

Classic CMS and frameworks create pages dynamically - during their request. With large site traffic and poor engine, the load on the server increases in an avalanche-like manner and leads to the inability of the site to send information to visitors. Realizing this problem, the developers went a different way - they created generators of static sites. This is a great solution, but for some reason, the developers abandoned the classic CMS interface and began to write their generators in all languages except PHP.

We wanted to keep the classic admin of the site, but at the same time get the speed of the generators. Although we learned about the generators themselves after the creation of the CMS. The thoughts that led to the creation of just such an engine were different.

They began with the understanding of what cache is. Why in CMS cache files are stored in some folders, and not placed right where they are best located so that the server spends at least effort finding the desired file. No reasonable explanation could be found, except for the power of habit. Therefore, it was decided to pave a new path, which apparently no one had yet walked - to free the root folder under the static pages of the site, and to place the CMS itself in a hidden folder in which it would work and create these same static pages.

Thus, the root folder of the site with static pages is the ideal cache in which the files are exactly where they should be.

The server simply takes files from the disk and gives them to visitors, without straining the processor with unnecessary calculations that occur when the pages are generated dynamically.

Thus, you don’t have to switch to more expensive tarifs when increasing site traffic as quickly as when you use the usual CMS.

You save money, and the site works as quickly as possible for any number of visitors.