Coffee CMS на OpenServer

OpenServer is a Windows program that you can install on your computer and make sites without hosting.

Of course, it can work a little different than real hosting, but for those who have not yet decided, it is quite suitable for the test.

Download and install OpenServer from here

By default, Apache_2.4-PHP_7.2-7.4 is used there. Right-click on the tray icon and select Advanced -> Configuration -> Apache_2.4-PHP_7.2-7.4. A text editor will open with three tabs. In the file ending with _server.conf we find the lines:

<LocationMatch "/\.(?!well-known)">
    Require             all denied

и изменяем на строки

<LocationMatch "/\.(?!well-known)">
    Require             all granted

Next, download Coffee CMS and unpack it into the domains folder, having previously created another folder there for the site. You can call it coffee-cms. There should be files from the archive there. After this, restart OpenServer from the tray icon. There, in the tray, in the My Projects section, click on your site and it will open in the browser.